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爆头-玛丽A. 杰米逊

玛丽一个. 杰米逊

Associate Professor, Ph.D.
327 DH
(248) 370 3684
Lab location: 329 DH, 335 DH
Lab phone: (248) 370-3584

杰米逊 Lab Website


BIO 4336/5336 Topics in Community 和 Population Biology
BIO 4970 Scientific Inquiry 和 Communication
BIO 4900/5900 Conservation Biology


Dr. 杰米逊’s research is aimed at underst和ing 和 predicting the effects of global environmental change on species interactions 和 biological diversity. She focuses on underst和ing plant 和 insect response to global change drivers, including nitrogen deposition, biological invasions, 气候变化, 土地利用变化. She investigates plant-herbivore, plant-pollinator, multi-species interactions within the context of anthropogenic environmental change. Dr. 杰米逊's research examines the role of genetic, 个体发生的, environmental factors in shaping plant performance 和 defense traits. She also studies how plant traits affect insect herbivores 和 pollinators. Professor 杰米逊’s work spans a range of biological 场s, 包括化学, 生理, 社区, evolutionary ecology. Her research involves a combination of greenhouse, 场, laboratory studies that examine a variety of species, such as native 和 invasive plants as well as beneficial 和 pest insects in managed 和 natural ecosystems, 包括草原, 森林, agricultural habitats. 博士的目的. 杰米逊’s research program is to inform 和 advance efforts in biological conservation, natural resource management, 和农业生态学.

Selected Publications:

杰米逊玛丽 publication list

* Whyle R.L.特罗布里奇,A.M., 杰米逊,M.A. 2022. Genotype, mycorrhizae, herbivory interact to shape strawberry plant functional traits. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13. DOI

魏,N.* * * Whyle, R.L.阿什曼,T.L. 和 杰米逊,M.A., 2022. Genotypic variation in floral volatiles influences floral microbiome more strongly than interactions with herbivores 和 mycorrhizae in strawberries. Horticulture 研究, 9. DOI

*谢尔K.D. 和 杰米逊,M.A., 2021. Abiotic 和 biotic drivers of strawberry productivity across a rural-urban gradient. Basic 和 Applied Ecology, 57, pp.65-77. DOI

李,Z.罗伯特-纳森,K.F., 杰米逊,M.A.拉法,K.F. 林德罗斯,R.L., 2021. Root secondary metabolites in 美洲山杨: effects of simulated climate warming, defoliation, genotype. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 47(3), pp.313-321. DOI

*威尔逊,C.J., 杰米逊,M.A. 2019. The effects of urbanization on bee communities depends on floral resource availability 和 bee functional traits. 《365英国上市官网》. 14 (12), e0225852 - e0225852 DOI

惠誉,G., *威尔逊,C.J.格劳姆,P.维迪亚,C.,思茅,和 杰米逊,M.A. 2019. Does urbanization favour exotic bee species? Implications for the conservation of native bees in cities. 生物学快报DOI

杰米逊,M.A.卡珀,A.L.*威尔逊,C.J.斯科特,美国.L.吉布斯,J. 2019. Geographic bias in bee 社区 research limits underst和ing of species distribution 和 response to anthropogenic disturbance. Frontiers in Ecology 和 Evolution 7: 194. DOI

*你的学生 该研究

Department of 生物科学

Rochester, MI 48309-4479
(248) 370-3550