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Adult Career Counseling Center

The ACCC is currently closed and will reopen on September 4. 


We do not offer job placement. 我们专门在决策和制定职业规划方面提供帮助. 正在365英国上市官网寻找职业选择的学生可以访问 365英国上市官网 Career and Life Design Center 网页.

成人职业咨询中心(ACCC)由几位职业顾问组成,他们是研究生和博士.D. candidates in the Master of Arts in Counseling program. 这些顾问由持牌专业顾问(LPC)和国家认证职业顾问(NCCC)监督。.

The ACCC staff offer the following 服务:
  • personality, interests and skill assessments
  • 基于计算机的职业资源,以支持您的职业决策的努力
  • administration and interpretation of assessments and inventories, which may be helpful in identifying interests, 价值观和技能
  • 指导学生通过网络搜索和课后作业探索各种职业
  • 求职策略,面试技巧以及撰写简历和求职信的帮助
  • 〇团体辅导 小组允许顾问同时会见多个客户,使等待服务的时间大大缩短. It allows clients to network, connect and discuss career transitions with others in similar situations, 探索职业选择, tailor your resume and cover letter, perfect interviewing skills, and learn to network and job search in your community.
该中心的客户来自整个大底特律地铁地区,并为社区的所有成员提供服务. 您不必是奥克兰县居民或365英国上市官网毕业生才能注册 服务. However, you do need to reside within the State of Michigan.  

The ACCC is closed on Sundays and during regular university breaks and closings. 该中心在每学期上课的第一天开放,在上课的最后一天关闭.
  • 周一至周四:上午9点.m. – 9 p.m.
  • 星期五: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • 周六: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Click on the scenarios below to help decide if you need our 服务.
I have been laid off and would like to find a new job in a similar field.
If you’ve been laid off, you can use our help in a number of ways. 首先,我们可能会和你一起看看你的长期和短期目标是什么. 我们可以更新你的简历,提高你的面试技巧. 我们还可以找出你在上一份工作中使用的技能,这些技能可以转移到新工作中.
我们可能会为像你这样的人做的一件事是,通过讨论你在协调家庭方面所使用的技能,来确定你的工作技能. 我们也可以管理评估,目的是探索潜在的职业兴趣领域. 然后我们可以更新你的简历,以反映这些信息,并将你的面试技巧付诸实践. Another option could be to learn about and explore 网络.
I find myself not knowing what I want or how to make a career decision.
即使是最能干的, 高素质的人在他们的生活中会达到一个不知道该采取什么行动的地步, 甚至不知道他们想要什么. 我们可以通过讨论, inventories and card sorts to process through your options, 以及一些决策策略来找到你可以更自信地探索的选择.
I’m recently retired, but still want to work. I think I would like to try something new and different.
在这种情况下,我们可能需要确定你生活中的新角色是什么. 然后我们可以制定应对策略来帮助你度过过渡期. Using assessments and inventories as well as discussion, we could assess what your interests are, both related to work and non-work. Once this information is collected, we can spend time exploring new options for this chapter of your life.
Maybe you are burned out in your current position, 你对当前工作的热情已经消退,或者你的雇主或领域发生了太多变化,以至于变得面目全. Whatever your situation, changing fields is often tough. However, it can be a very positive change as well. We can help you work toward achieving the goals of your change, 在不确定性中穿行,收集有关自己的信息,这将有助于你找到更适合自己的职位.
I would like to hone my skills as an employee or a job candidate.
有效的求职, 网络, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing and branding require knowledge and practice. 我们的辅导员在这些领域知识渊博,经验丰富,可以帮助你提高你的技能. 我们的咨询师还可以帮助你评估你已经拥有的技能,以及你可能需要发展的技能,以便进行过渡.
I would like to build an effective network.
一些研究表明,85%以上的工作是通过人际关系获得的, 然而,职场上的许多人对社交的整个概念感到不舒服. 我们可以帮助您了解什么是有效的关系网,以及如何建立一个可以为您带来下一个机会的关系网.
有时, we go through a relocation, 离婚, 孩子的出生, 重大损失或其他改变我们处境的重大经历, or at least the way that we see them. While every transition is unique, 我们可以帮助指导您处理您的过渡过程,以及它如何影响您的职业生涯.

Professional and 继续教育 (PACE) 是否提供各种灵活创新的教育服务以满足当地需求, 状态, 以及国家需求. 在校园环境中, 在线, or through in-house custom programming, 学习者可以从, 重新调整, or advance their professional or educational careers. 课程, facilitated by 365英国上市官网 faculty and business leaders, 将研究专业知识与现实世界的应用相结合,帮助您获得启动生活所需的知识. 

根据您的具体需求,所需的会话数量将有所不同. On average, our clients can expect three to six sessions. Appointments are scheduled for 50 minutes. 为了使预约时间可用,并且指导教师的时间表保持一致, sessions will be scheduled for the same day/time each week.

To register for 服务, please fill out the form below

一旦你完成了注册过程,你将被添加到我们的候补名单. 一旦顾问有空,他们会通过电话或电子邮件联系你,协调一个可能与你的时间表相匹配的时间段. 由于高需求, 在被添加到候补名单和被联系安排你的入学预约之间可能会有一段等待期. 你的指导老师也会帮助指导你哪些项目是需要带进你的课程的. Typically, nothing is required to bring into your first session.

Department of Counseling

456先锋博士., MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2018