
From QB to M.D.

OUWB alum Brandon Luczak, M.D.他把对运动和医学的热爱融入了外科医生的职业生涯

An image of Dr. Luczak with a patient

Brandon Luczak, M.D.2015年10月11日,英国布莱顿,英国医学博士在他的办公室里和一位病人一起工作. 6, 2022. (Photo by Rob Hall)

An image of Brandon Luczak playing football

Brandon Luczak was a QB before he became an M.D. 这张照片是他在卡拉马祖大学球队掌舵时拍的. (Photo by Ron Leifeld; courtesy Kalamazoo College)

An image of Brandon Luczak playing baseball

Luczak also played baseball at Kalamazoo College. (Photo by Ron Leifeld; courtesy Kalamazoo College)


icon of a calendarOct. 7, 2022

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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很难找到认为前交叉韧带撕裂是一件好事的人, 但布兰登·卢扎克就是这么做的, M.D.

That’s because were it not for that high school injury, life might be a bit different for Luczak, ’15, OUWB.


他可能没有接触过医疗和物理康复设施——这种地方对卢扎克这样的年轻人很有吸引力, who had a keen interest in science and engineering.

He might not have attended OUWB. He might not have even been a doctor.

“我真的很感激我的外科医生,他把我从一个无法比赛的地方带到了一个我可以打出高水平比赛的地方,” he said.

So much so, he says, 有一天成为一名医生的想法的种子被种下了——这个想法最终会成为现实.


Putting in the work



“I was taught to do the best I can,” he says. “你知道,投入工作,从中得到你需要得到的.”

他把这种态度带到了体育运动中,卢扎克说这一直是他生活中很重要的一部分. 他从小就踢足球、橄榄球、篮球和棒球. 高中时,他打篮球、棒球和足球.

Sports were so important to him, in fact, 当他在大一和大二打篮球时撕裂前交叉韧带时,他并没有放弃.

He just “put in the work” and it paid off.

As an undergraduate, 他就读于卡拉马祖学院,在那里他不仅学习医学预科, but also played two sports: baseball and football.

到目前为止,卢扎克拥有几乎所有经过的学校 record in the books from his stellar 2009 season. 其中包括单场总进攻的前三名, top two records for passing yards in a single game, most completions in a single game, 以及单赛季总传球码数和总触地得分数.

“体育一直是我生活中很重要的一部分,我一直想把它变成某种职业,” he says.

That’s where OUWB came into the picture.

An image of golfers at OUWB's first golf outing

From left, Christopher Goike, Chris Jaeger, M.D., '15, Luczak, M.D., '15,, and Jon Goike, M.D., '15, at OUWB's inaugural golf outing in May, 2022. (Photo by Andrew Dietderich)

‘Very blessed’


他说,对外开放大学的学术方面与他在密歇根州西部的经历相似, especially the smaller class sizes, 还有那种所有学生都互相认识的感觉.

卢扎克说,他也喜欢这所学校的总体理念, the curriculum, and the fact that it was close to his family.


“The staff and administration listened to us,” he says. “他们想要我们的反馈……想让我们参与到OUWB的建设中来.”

Luczak took advantage of the opportunity, too. In 2012, he received the LaBan Award from OUWB, 在学校的医学艺术与实践课程中,最优秀的一年级医学生获得了什么奖项.

同年,他成为第一个获得米歇尔·D·肯尼迪奖的人. Raible Award, 最能体现学生对学习的热爱,以及在学生群体中具有协作和支持精神的医学生,会被授予哪一个奖项.

2015年,他入选Alpha Omega Alpha荣誉医学协会.

Perhaps most meaningful, 他表示,他与构成OUWB首批学员的许多“先驱者”仍保持着密切的关系.

“Because I’ve always been in sports, I’ve always been a team player, 这就是我在牛津大学的感受——我将永远记住这一点,” he says. “我正在考虑的其他一些大学校就是没有这种感觉.”

After OUWB

Luczak在博蒙特完成了骨科住院医师培训. For 2019-20, he served as chief resident.

In 2020-21, Luczak在康涅狄格大学肌肉骨骼研究所获得矫形运动医学奖学金.

After completing the fellowship, he returned to metro Detroit, 自2021年以来,一直是布莱顿三一健康IHA医疗集团的骨科运动医学外科医生.

在IHA,卢扎克与年轻和年长的运动员一起工作. He performs non-operative and operative procedures, such as arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder, hip, and knee, as well as shoulder replacements. 他也是豪厄尔高中的队医.

卢扎克说,他很感激“能够做我一直想做的事情”, which is help improve the lives of others.”

他说:“知道我终于要这么做了,我感到很满足。. “看到病人重新开始做他们喜欢的事情,并感谢你帮助他们,这是最令人满足的,这就是我为什么要这样做的原因。.”

When not building up his practice, Luczak喜欢和他结婚九年的妻子共度时光, Jaime, and their three boys. He also enjoys coaching little league, 打高尔夫球是“保持竞争精神”的使命之一.”

And he never forgets his time at OUWB.


“I was very blessed to be part of OUWB.”

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