From how to position webcams to proper etiquette in virtual social events, 在为目前正在进行的独特的住院医师面试季节准备2021届毕业生时,没有忽视任何细节.

An image of virtual residency interview

From how to position webcams to proper etiquette in virtual social events, no detail was overlooked in preparing OUWB’s Class of 2021 for the unique residency interview season currently underway.

So said Sandra LaBlance, Ph.D., associate dean for Student Affairs, 谁指出了准备四年级医学生(M4s)的独特过程,为三月份开始的另一种住院医师面试季节做准备.

今年需要改变计划,因为采访几乎是由于COVID-19大流行而进行的. Typically, interviews are done in-person.

“我们的学生已经做好了准备,在比赛过程中处于有利地位,” said LaBlance. “We did everything we could to get them ready.”

Among other things, 公开大学的学生事务团队从博蒙特健康中心和公开大学招募了30多名教职员工和住院医生,与M4s进行了大约200小时的实习面试.

他们还在365英国上市官网(Oakland University)和博蒙特健康学院(Beaumont Health)的校园里安排了近40个地点,让学生可以安排面试, held mock social events, and more.

“I felt good,” said Bhavneet (Bobby) Singh, OUWB M4. “It was nice to have the ability to set up mock interviews with physicians. 他们给了我一些很好的建议,让我在面试时感觉更好.”

Rethinking the process

使用美国医学院协会(AAMC)每年制定的时间表, 医学生通常在第三年的6月开始将他们的申请提交到电子居留申请服务(ERAS).

9月中旬,各种住院医师项目的申请将被发布. Interviews generally take place between November and January. 然后,学生必须在2月底之前将他们的排名名单提交到国家居民匹配计划(NRMP)中,并在那里确定最终匹配. Match Day is traditionally scheduled for the third Friday of March. 

For 2020, 由于COVID-19大流行,一切都被推迟了一个月,并进行了调整,以便进行虚拟面试. (Match Day remains scheduled for the third Friday of March.)

Berkley Browne


几乎在COVID-19大流行开始影响每个人的生活时,OUWB的学生事务处就开始为这些变化做准备, said Berkley Browne, Ph.D., assistant dean for Student Affairs.

“Back in March, 我们开始想,我们的学生有可能无法参加住院医师面试,” said Browne. “我们需要重新考虑如何提供我们所提供的所有准备课程.”



Professional perceptions


“Being virtual has allowed for clinical faculty to get more involved, particularly with the mock interviews,” she said.

Beyond helping with interviewing skills, 学校官员着手帮助学生了解虚拟面试环境的独特性.

Tips included helping students understand how to position cameras properly, have the right lighting, and identify appropriate backgrounds. OUWB还为学生们制作了横幅,让他们在面试时挂在身后. 


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“你面试的房间会反映出你是谁,”拉布兰斯说. “你的背景会影响面试官对你的看法,以及你在展示自己时的想法.”

Further, 威斯康星大学商学院的学生事务处也为学生在博蒙特医院确定了尽可能多的面试地点, Royal Oak, and on the OUWB campus.

布朗说,M4可能想找一个不同的地点进行虚拟采访,原因有很多. 这些原因包括想要避免任何潜在的互联网连接问题或任何其他可能在家庭环境中分散注意力的问题, she said.


“The feedback does give students more to think about,” Browne said. “突然之间,摄像头开着的时候,他们的公寓或卧室的样子变得很重要.”

In addition to the mock interviews, 学生事务处还安排了两场虚拟模拟社交活动,让学生体验这种社交方式. 布朗说,许多实习医生项目都把这类活动作为面试过程的一部分, 取代传统的面对面的社交聚会,旨在帮助面试者对项目有一个感觉.

她说:“我认为虚拟社交活动对我们的学生来说将是最不一样的。. “If you’re at a dinner or cocktail party, everybody’s chatting. In a virtual situation, 人们都在等着说话,如果你不说话,那就更明显了.”

‘Prepared and in good position’

Overall, LaBlance和Browne对m45为当前面试季节所做的准备水平感到满意.


LaBlance said the true measure of success will be on Match Day.

“我们与学生见面,了解他们的面试情况,这样我们就可以帮助他们,” she said. “In the end, though, 我们会在比赛日知道他们有多成功,他们对结果有多满意.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at [email protected]

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & Marketing webpage.

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