天主教医院的紧急避孕应由医生决定, OUWB的作者在一篇新发表的论文中辩称
从左至右,Marlee Mason-Maready, M3, 亚伯兰布鲁梅特写, Ph ..D.基础医学研究系助理教授, Victoria Whiting, M3.

Though some Catholic hospitals prohibit prescription of emergency 避孕 to rape victims, three OUWB authors argue in a new published paper that the practice should come down to a physician’s own conscience.

Catholic Hospitals Should Permit Physicians to Provide Emergency Contraception to Rape Victims as an Act of Conscientious Provision的文章最近发表于 利纳克季刊天主教医学协会的官方学术期刊.

第一作者是 亚伯兰布鲁梅特写, Ph.D.基础医学研究系助理教授. 合著者是维多利亚·怀廷(Victoria Whiting)和玛丽·梅森-马雷迪(Marlee Mason-Maready),两人都是M3s.

除了发表论文, the students have been accepted to present during the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities conference set for October in Portland, 俄勒冈州.

本质上, the paper argues that the presence of reasonable disagreement among Catholics and Catholic hospitals on the topic of emergency 避孕 for rape victims provides a good reason for Catholic leadership to accommodate physicians who wish to provide it as a matter of conscience.

鉴于美国最近的经济危机,这个话题显得尤为及时.S. 最高法院推翻Roe v. 韦德, the 1973 abortion rights case that served as a precedent in reproductive rights cases for nearly 50 years — and has thrust women’s reproductive rights into daily headlines.

“提供紧急避孕措施仍然是合法的, (但是)一些天主教医院会拒绝这样做, 我们正在给他们一个重新考虑他们观点的理由,布鲁美特说.


紧急避孕药是左炔诺孕酮(LNG), 哪些产品以不同的品牌出售, 比如B计划一步和下一个选择一剂. LNG有三种提议的作用机制, it’s the third one — preventing implantation — that is controversial for Catholics because they consider this to be an abortion.

The paper notes many Catholics also object to prescription of LNG because it is easily available over-the-counter at many pharmacies. However, the OUWB authors identify several reasons why this can be “problematic” for many women. 这些原因包括成本, 不可靠的运输, 缺乏通用选项的知识, 没有足够的时间, 尴尬, 和/或离药店的地理距离. Studies also have shown that many pharmacies give inaccurate information about LNG.

考虑到这些担忧, a provider has legitimate reasons to worry that simply informing a rape victim that LNG is available over-the-counter may put the patient in a position where they may undergo the trauma of becoming pregnant from rape and the potential abortion,论文中写道.

Enter the discussion regarding physicians at Catholic hospitals prescribing LNG in the event of a rape.

Brummett said it’s important to note that it’s a point of pride for Catholic bioethicists that their conscientious objections are not “just” religious beliefs, but can be given reasons that are defensible in the public sphere — meaning reasons can be given against abortion or 避孕 that have nothing to do with Catholic dogma. 

A defense of Catholic conscientious objection in health care is that their refusals to perform abortion, 避孕, or sterilization should be respected because they are matters of “reasonable disagreement.” 

同时, disagreement exists among leadership at Catholic hospitals when it comes to rape and the use of LNG.

据Brummett说, Catholics have three primary views when it comes to use of the emergency 避孕.

“Which of these views any particular Catholic hospital adopts is going to depend on the bishop that runs that Catholic territory,布鲁美特说.

"And bishops disagree with each other about which of the views ought to be adopted."

天主教医学协会(Catholic 医疗 Association)的第一种观点是,永远不要开这种处方.

第二种观点是,液化天然气是可以规定的, but only after intense testing has been done to determine that a woman has not ovulated.

第三种观点被称为“怀孕方法”,由医生检查月经史, 做一个基本的验孕测试. 如果女性没有怀孕,可以开液化天然气. Brummett说,当涉及到液化天然气处方时,这是最宽容的观点.

OUWB作者的论文认为,因为存在这些分歧, the door should be opened for Catholic systems to allow physicians to make their own choices.

“We take the reasonable disagreement that Catholics use to defend conscientious objection to secular society and we invert it into their own tradition on this issue,布鲁美特说.

换句话说, 说布鲁梅特写, if Catholics think it’s important to make space for conscience on issues of reasonable disagreement in society more broadly, 为什么不把它应用到紧急避孕和强奸的话题上呢?

“Why don’t we also say that Catholics have reasonable disagreement about which of these three approaches to use with respect to emergency 避孕, allow each physician to use their own conscience in deciding whether they will or will not dispense emergency 避孕 to a rape victim?布鲁美特说.






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“We were both so interested in the topic and invested in the research…it was an enjoyable experience,怀廷说。. “我喜欢和玛丽和李博士一起工作. 布鲁米特和我从他们身上学到了很多.”


Mason-Maready said she hopes the paper helps people realize that issues like the use of emergency 避孕 are not always black-and-white.

“I hope it gives people a more nuanced view of issues related to conscientious objection and provision,”她说。.


“Maybe (readers) can learn something new and have an open mind when it comes to why physicians make the decisions they make…and realize there’s so much to it,怀廷说。. “这不仅仅是科学数据. 这不仅仅是病人想要的. 这不仅仅是你的医院说你必须做的. 它是所有这些东西加上一个人的核心信仰体系.”

整体, Brummett said the three OUWB authors hope that their argument “may make some small contribution to expanding access to reproductive care in the current climate of radically curtailed reproductive rights.”

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