OUWB Class of 2023 graduates; commencement ceremony emphasizes humanity, kindness
An image of students celebrating at commencement
凯蒂·霍尔,M.D., and Brittany Silverman, M.D., celebrate graduate from OUWB on May 12, 2023.


约有500人参加了该校在365英国上市官网奥雷纳分校举行的2023年毕业典礼. Attendees watched 110 graduates become OUWB’s newest alumni.

Among those who spoke were Ben Schwartz, M.D., MHCM, president, Corewell健康 East; Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D., president, Oakland University; and Duane Mezwa, M.D., Stephan Sharf Dean, OUWB.

Before congratulating the Class of 2023, 梅兹瓦回忆起最近在社交媒体上读到的“生活八法则”, and noted his favorite: be kind.

“Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves. Sometimes we are too hard on each other,他说. “想象一下,如果我们提醒自己和他人我们的潜力、勇气和力量.”


“Kindness is contagious. 指南针ion is contagious.”

Schwartz delivered the keynote address. He said he was acting as “the voice of over 30,000名医疗服务提供者最终共同庆祝2023届毕业生的毕业.

他称赞该班成员在新冠肺炎大流行期间成功完成了整个医学院的学习, and called it an “amazing accomplishment.”

His primary message was about the importance of humanity in health care, despite advances in technology.

Want to know where the graduates are headed for residency? Check out the Match Day page by 点击这里!

“I implore you — for your patients, 给你的同事, 对你的团队成员来说——在过去的四年里,OUWB一直在强调人道主义的实践,他说.


Other speakers at the event were Robert Schostak, 椅子, Oakland University Board of Trustees, 伯克利布朗, Ph.D., associate dean for Student Affairs, Kala Seawright, M.D., ’21, OUWB, (who served as alumni speaker), and Shivam Patel, M.D., who spoke on behalf of the Class of 2023.

Patel also talked about the importance of humanity, 以及他在公开商学院学习期间学到的一些最有价值的课程与讲座或考试无关.

“We may not realize it at the time, (而是)即使是我们偶尔分享的小谈话也要有意识, 愿意认识到我们总是有成长的空间,这将对我们的培训和职业生涯产生最大的影响,他说.


‘No more hoping or wishing’

An image of students celebrating at commencement
Graduates took plenty of selfies at the OUWB 2023 Commencement Ceremony.


凯莉·布洛克,m.s.D., said that she’s “ready to be the doctor on the floor”.

“It’s nice to finally have the title and practice medicine, 同时,我们也得到了所有上级的支持,帮助我们进一步学习和成长,布洛克说.

“It’s relieving to have made it to the end. 我们有自己的工作,现在我们将成为医生——没有更多的希望和愿望,它就在这里.”


夏说:“我们在过去四年里一直在努力做的事情会很好。. “It’s such a hard journey, through pre-med and med school, 但这很好——这一切都以我们成为住院医生和最终成为医生而告终.”


“We were in a unique position, 因为我们在开学的时候就认识了每个人,第一年有一半的时间是面对面的,然后我们就进入了虚拟世界, but we already formed a lot of bonds prior to that,达利娅·拉赫蒙说, M.D.






“我们和同学们建立了牢固的关系,并依靠他们完成学业, 这对于住院医师来说也是非常重要的,”她说。. “我期待着建立同样的家庭单位,和人们一起度过所有困难的事情.”

克里斯汀娜·瓦尔,M.D., echoed a similar sentiment.

“我们在这里. We did it,”她说。. “今天来到这里感觉很好,终于完成了,看到我所有的努力都得到了回报. It’s a surreal feeling.”

“(The pandemic) was a big challenge, for sure. I missed a lot of my classmates. We weren’t able to see each other for a very long time,”她说。. “Seeing them all together again…is a beautiful thing.”

“I’ve been jumping from person to person, not knowing where to look, 看看我们在第1年结识的所有人……(我们)激励自己,告诉彼此我们可以继续前进,Twal补充道.

“We really supported each other throughout these four years, and it’s nice to see them all in their gowns and caps. It’s a great feeling.”

Stephanie Icabone, M.D., also appreciated the strong bonds at OUWB during her medical education.

“这是一段漫长而充满挑战的旅程,我们必须在线学习, so it’s nice to come back together and see everyone,”她说。. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t have a lot of help and a good network. Our cohort of students is incredible. 在OUWB,我们总是知道,如果我们需要什么,我们可以看看我们上面或下面的班级. It was a great experience.”

“我很高兴开始做我真正想做的事情——行医,”伊卡波恩补充道. “我真的很兴奋.”

兴奋之情也蔓延到了新医生的家人身上——雷切尔(Rachel)和谢希娜(Shekhina Soumokil)分别出席了为丈夫和父亲庆祝的仪式, 理查德·拉米雷斯, M.D.

“It’s been a long journey, and we’re super excited…he got his first-choice residency,” said Rachel Soumokil.

Rachel Soumokil和丈夫一起从亚利桑那州搬到了密歇根州,当时他被OUWB录取了. 现在, 拉米雷斯开始在密歇根大学医院做精神病学住院医师, 安阿伯, they’re beginning to settle down.

“We’re setting down roots, which is really exciting,”她说。.

“It’s been a long time,” said Shekhina Soumokil. “I don’t think I really remember a time when he wasn’t working, either working hard at work or doing school. 这很疯狂.”

爱德华多·莱昂,硕士.D., was supported by his family — including his brother, 天使莱昂, 他即将在佛罗里达国际大学的赫伯特·韦特海姆医学院开始他的第一年学习.

“Very excited, very happy, and very proud of him,” said 天使莱昂. “He’s a big inspiration for me.”

Alongside the M4 students’ loved ones, several underclassmen attended commencement to show their support.

“很高兴能支持我们的高年级学生,给我们一点动力和鼓励,让我们在这一年强势结束,” said Brenda Bortiss, M1.

M1的凯特琳·查尔方特(Kaitlyn Chalfant)说:“知道他们几年前就处在我们的处境,这真的很酷。. “我们尊敬他们. 他们已经取得了如此多的成就,所以看到我们在几年后的发展是很疯狂的.”

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