第二届OUWB多样性周将于10月开始. 9
Members of the OUWB Class of 2025 pose for a picture on their first day of orientation in 2021.

OUWB plans to hold its second 多样性 Week starting Oct. 9 -庆祝的时刻, 教育, and gain overall better understanding of the different identities and experiences present at the school’s campuses.

活动将在一周的每一天举行, starting with a kick-off reception on Monday and culminating with a multicultural indoor block party on Friday. (详情见下文)

汤娅·贝利博士.D.他是负责多元化事务的副院长 & 包容 and 社区 Engagement, says the week is important for several reasons.

“首先, 它代表了我们的使命和愿景, wherein we say that diversity and inclusion are a part of our value system and who we are,她说。.

“Commitment to diversity” is identified specifically in the school’s vision, 和“多样性, 股本, 和包容”是OUWB的最高价值观之一.

博士的照片. 汤娅贝利贝利

“We are committed to cultivating and nurturing an inclusive environment that values and respects a diverse and equitable community of students, 工作人员, 和老师,这所学校在其网站上说 成功的基础.

举办多样性周的另一个重要原因, 贝利说, 是因为OUWB有这样一个“富?, 多样化的文化.”

“我们并不总是有机会去理解, 庆祝, 承认, 甚至宣传我们的文化遗产和背景,她说。.

首届多元化周 是一个由学生主导的项目. 会议于4月举行.

贝利 says school officials supported the effort and set out to expand the event for the new academic year. It was moved to October to allow students to settle into a routine after the beginning of the year, but before the December break and well before the end-of-the-year activities held in spring.

A committee of students, 教师, and 工作人员 was formed to plan and organize the week. 贝利 says committee members were tasked with building a week of events around the theme of this year’s 多样性 Week: “You Matter.”


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M2的迪伦·莫兰(Dylan Moran)是委员会成员之一. She is coordinating the multicultural indoor block party. 预定在奥多德大厅110号举行, the event will feature student organizations like the Chaldean American 医疗 Student Association, 南亚医学外展学生协会, 以及犹太医学院学生协会, 仅举几个例子.

“Learning about different cultures is important for us as a community,她说。. “This is a good opportunity for us all to be in the same room and talk.”

Moran says it’s also important for medical students to learn as much about different cultures as possible.

“As future providers, we’re going to be exposed to all kinds of cultures,她说。. “It’s extremely important to understand different views and cultures, especially when we’re talking about various treatment options.”

When the week concludes, 贝利 says there will be several ways its success will be gauged.

“We measure this by the sense of belonging that students, 教师, 员工们在参加完这样的活动后走进来,她说。. “We measure it by the way our school continues to be known as a place where everyone feels valued and respected.”

“And we also measure it by behavior changes…how we support one another, 我们如何更多地倾听, 我们如何成为盟友,她补充道.


周一,10月. 9
Noon-1 p.m.
Kick off the week with a strolling reception that includes a few words from Chris Carpenter, M.D., Stephan Sharf Interim Dean, OUWB; 汤娅·贝利博士.D.他是多元化副院长 & 包容 and 社区 Engagement; and Joseph Solomon, M2, president, 医疗 Student Government. 将提供茶点.

TED演讲多样性回应 & 分析
周二,10月. 10
混合:变焦和奥多德大厅 204
TED talks will be played for participants, all of which relate to the topic of diversity. Participants will engage in dialogue to expand their understanding of diversity, 股本, 包容和对我们社会的影响.

午餐 & Learn: “Diverse Voices: Lived Experience and Insights for the Health Care 社区”
星期三,10月. 11
11:30 a.m. 到下午12:30.m.
奥多德大厅 110号
This event will feature a lunch and give attendees an opportunity to discuss cultural lived experiences and learn from differences. This talk will discuss the experiences of transgender and nonbinary people as they navigate the medical system and face barriers accessing equitable and affirming care. 

星期三,10月. 11
6-7 p.m.
奥多德大厅 110号
This event will feature dinner and dialogue with a diverse panel of physicians as they share their experiences and insight on navigating diversity in health care.

周四,10月. 12
1:30-2:30 p.m.
LGBTQ+ older adults have unique physical and mental health needs, 哪些因素会让人们难以信任提供商. This workshop explores the challenges and needs of these populations, as well as the importance/necessity of asking difficult questions. 与CEME合作. 

周四,10月. 12
11:30 a.m. 到下午12:30.m.
Get a master class on how to redefine the term “Chingona” pronounced Cheen gō ná/ from bossy to fierce in celebration of community leaders who exemplify what it means to be a Chingona in male dominated fields. 由OU latin ERG赞助.

周五,10月. 13
This session serves as an opportunity for people to connect and offer supportive group spaces in processing the ongoing battle of difference across our globe. We invite participants to bring a cultural heritage object to share during the session. 

周五,10月. 13
1-3 p.m.
奥多德大厅 110号
多样性 Week culminates with this event featuring cultural food, 音乐, 现场文化表演, 和学生亲密团体见面. 最重要的是, there will be an opportunity to mix and mingle with others from across the OUWB community. 

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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