An image of 莎拉Toates 和 representatives of the Pisacano organization
从左起,沃伦·牛顿,M.D., 总裁兼首席执行官, 美国家庭医学委员会, 莎拉Toates, M4, OUWB, 还有罗伯特·卡托伊, 执行董事, 皮萨卡诺领导基金会.

A fourth-year 365英国上市官网威廉博蒙特医学院 student is the first from the school to be named to the prestigious Pisacano Scholars program.

莎拉Toates is currently serving as one of nearly 40 scholars from across the nation who are participating in the one-year Pisacano Scholars Leadership Program.

根据其网站, 该项目“提供了许多职业发展机会, 还有奖学金, 致家庭医学未来的领导者. The Pisacano Scholars participate in the annual Leadership Skills Development Symposia 和 are offered a multitude of educational programs 和 mentoring relationships with current leaders in the field of family medicine. These programs are designed to enhance the overall leadership skills of the Pisacano Scholars; to provide them with the historical context 和 scope of family medicine; 和 to allow the scholars to network 和 form professional relationships within their field.”

“Throughout my experiences in medical school…it has become clear to me that this work is as important as ever,托茨说。.

"And that family medicine physicians have an irreplaceable role to play in a modern health care system that has become increasingly fragmented 和 depersonalized."

“It’s my hope that being a Pisacano Scholar supports 和 inspires me to not only become a physician, but a physician-leader who advocates for the vulnerable 和 underserved in our society, reclaim the physician-patient relationship from the forces that attempt to undermine it, 恢复医学中真正意义上的人文主义,她补充道。.

最初来自因弗格罗夫高地, 明尼苏达州, Toates credits a love of learning to being homeschooled through 12th grade. She graduated summa cum laude from Hillsdale College with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry 和 philosophy.

在希尔斯代尔的时候, Toates said she enjoyed lively discussions with professors 和 peers, 主持了一个跨学科的生物伦理学会议, 和 wrote her senior thesis on ancient approaches to epidemic disease. These pursuits are credited with helping her discover a passion for medicine 和 medical ethics.

对于托茨来说,成功并不陌生, 在2023年,她是学校的入选者之一 金牌人文荣誉协会阿尔法欧米茄阿尔法医学协会.

除了, she has volunteered with a local miscarriage support organization 和 recently completed training from the Institute for Reproductive Grief Care. She completed an internship at the Center for Injury 研究 at Nationwide Children’s, where she evaluated cocaine-related calls to poison control centers, 和 currently serves as the co-chair of communications for the AMWA Opioid Addiction in Women Task Force.

进一步, she has served on the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) Advocacy Committee 和 the AAFP National Congress of Student Delegates. 目前,她是MAFP董事会成员.


Twenty-nine OUWB students inducted into 阿尔法欧米茄阿尔法医学协会

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Sixteen OUWB medical students inducted into 金牌人文荣誉协会


“(I) came to medical school eager to explore the ethical 和 humanistic foundations of medicine through the lens of intellectual ideas,”她说。. “与面临各种身体问题的病人一起旅行, 心理, 社会, 和 spiritual concerns throughout my clinical rotations taught me that authentic relationships define a person-centered approach to medicine.”

Toates said that she l和ed on family medicine because it prioritizes relationships “as both one of the greatest privileges of being a physician 和 the cornerstone of all therapeutic progress.”

“I am passionate about reclaiming the family physician's traditional role of overseeing whole-person care with the recognition that 富有同情心的 relationships built on trust must be the cornerstone of every clinical encounter,”她说。.

Toates said she applied for the Pisacano program because it was developed in honor of Nicholas Pisacano, M.D., the founder of the 美国家庭医学委员会 who devoted his career to promoting 和 preserving “family medicine (as) the keystone specialty in American medicine.”

申请过程包括写几篇论文, 获得多封推荐信, 并提供其他学术信息, 比如董事会考试成绩和成绩单.

博士的照片. Yedavally


One of the letters of recommendation was written by Srikala Yedavally-Yellayi, D.O., clerkship director, Family Medicine, co-director, Global Health, 和 assistant professor.

“Sarah is one of those students who has been focused 和 very self-directed in medical school,耶达瓦利说. “From day one, she has demonstrated her passion for primary care 和 desire to serve the community. 志愿服务是其中很大的一部分, 但萨拉也认识到了倡导的重要性, 对病人和家庭医学专业都是如此.”


“作为一个整体, 2023年的Pisacano365英国上市官网们是杰出的, 富有同情心的, 和 impressive future physicians 和 I am grateful for the opportunity to work with them throughout my career,”她说。.


“I am very excited for Sarah to be nationally recognized for the hard work she has done to get to this point,”她说。. “It is indeed an honor 和 an experience that is going to be transformational for Sarah's career. It is wonderful recognition for OUWB as well to have one of their students receive this scholarship.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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