Members of OUWB Class of 2020 process death of classmate, establish endowment
An image of members of the OUWB Class of 2020
Erfan Faridmoayer, m.s.D., OUWB 20, (后排, second from left) "always made it a point to find joy in everything and really radiated those feelings.” Here, he poses for a photo with 同学们 from the Class of 2020.

当艾莉森·托马斯,M.D.感恩节过后,她与俄勒冈州立大学商学院2020届校友艾尔凡·法里德莫耶(Erfan Faridmoayer)进行了交谈.D., she never imagined it would be for the last time.

毕竟, 他有很多优势——在纽约成功实习了两年, in the middle of a prestigious fellowship, and perhaps most importantly, constantly represented “all that is good and kind in this world.”

Faridmoayer died of cardiac arrest on Dec. 7

这个悲剧的消息几乎摧毁了每一个与这位年轻医生有过接触的人, 包括托马斯, who said it caused her to have a kind of “out of body experience.”

To donate to 的 Erfan Faridmoayer Memorial Fund, 点击这里

“It was just so shocking and unfair and sad,” said 托马斯。. “二凡是一个从不把生命中的每一刻视为理所当然的人,因为他付出了如此多的努力才取得了今天的成就……我的心都碎了。.”

尼古拉斯Kondoleon, M.D.20岁, shared similar thoughts.

“有时候,没有语言可以完全描述你在失去方面的感受,”他说. “From his close friends to those who were more distant, every single person who knew Erfan was impacted by his passing.”


To cope with such feelings of loss, Kondoleon, 托马斯。, 和其他一些人联合起来开展了一个新项目:以Faridmoayer的名义创建OUWB捐赠基金.

‘Connected our whole class’

An image of members of the OUWB Class of 2020

从左起,约翰·伊德,M.D., Christopher Kanaan, m.s.D.Meelod Daneshvar, m.s.D., and Erfan Faridmoayer, m.s.D. — four members of a group that were known by 同学们 at "的 Boy Band."

Faridmoayer, Meelod Daneshvar, M.D.Luke Odisho, m.s.D.约翰·伊德,m.s.D.M . Mavis Gappy.D. – all OUWB Class of 2020 — were collectively known as “的 Boy Band.”

Christopher Kanaan, m.s.D.20岁, was also part of the group. 卡纳安说,这个名字是杜撰出来的,因为这六个人似乎总是在一起, whether in the OUWB Anatomy Lab or hanging out at a local coffee shop.

Because Faridmoayer’s relatives all lived in Iran, “的 Boy Band” was about as close to family as it would get for him in the U.S.

And he made sure everyone knew how much that meant to him.

“我们班上的每个人都会承认他们是二凡的朋友,”卡纳安说. “He was someone that really connected our whole class. 他是许多不同群体之间的粘合剂,他的脸上总是挂着微笑. 他总是强调从每件事中寻找快乐,并真正散发出这种感觉.”

一个感恩节, Faridmoayer为牛津大学商学院的学生举办了一个“朋友聚会”,否则这些学生将独自度过这个假期. Kanaan said it “was forever cherished.”

“那天晚上, 我们拍摄了一个愚蠢的舞蹈挑战(他的想法),并在接下来的几个星期里嘲笑它,苏珊娜·杰恩, M.D.20岁, wrote on social media. “He was the life of the party, compassionate, and kind.”


“考试之后, 我们会等二凡坐下来,在钢琴上即兴演奏一段优美的旋律,迦南说. “Half the class would gather around the piano and gaze.”

为别人弹钢琴只是Faridmoayer如何充分利用每一刻的一个例子. 据迦南说, 他充分利用了这样的时刻,因为他从不认为他的旅程是理所当然的.

Faridmoayer was able to travel to the U.S. from Iran after gaining permission via the 多样性 Visa (DV) Lottery, sometimes called the “green card lottery.”


在转入加州大学洛杉矶分校之前,他曾就读于加州社区学院. 从加州大学洛杉矶分校, he would earn a bachelor’s degree with honors in molecular, 细胞, and developmental biology. 

In 2016, he began attending OUWB.

除此之外, Faridmoayer was involved in tutoring, 指导, surgical research studies, and presenting at local and national conferences. He started a student interest group for neurosurgery. Kanaan said he took inspiration from his father, who is a neurosurgeon.

卡纳安说:“(他)原以为自己最终会从事神经外科,但他对心脏解剖学很感兴趣。. “He never wavered once he had a goal in mind.”

In 2020, 他在布鲁克林的纽约州立大学健康科学中心从事普通外科手术.

2023年末, 他在哥伦比亚大学梅尔曼公共卫生学院攻读生物统计学硕士学位时,正在攻读博士后奖学金.

In short, he was living his “American dream.”

 “Whenever I found myself complaining, I would think about Erfan for a sense of inspiration,迦南说. “他让困难的事情看起来容易多了,这是我在别人身上很少发现的. 我非常期待他第一次做心脏直视手术的那一天,比我自己的成功更期待. That is how much he meant to me.”

‘We want his legacy to continue’

An image of Erfan Faridmoayer


Kanaan was listed as Faridmoayer’s emergency contact.

12月. 7, 最有可能的是,他在从研究实验室去兼职的路上出现了室性心动过速并持续了足够长的时间使他停止跳动.

When Faridmoayer was found, it’s estimated that as many as 10 minutes had passed. 他接受了较长时间的心肺复苏术以及体外膜肺的机械循环支持以稳定病情. 然而, 他留下了严重的缺氧脑损伤,从他被捕的时间和长时间的心肺复苏术来看,这基本上是不可逆转的.

据迦南说, “他英勇地为自己的生命而战,直到他的父母从伊朗回来. He passed…with his brothers and loved ones (at his bedside).”


“二凡是如此的不偏不倚,是我见过的最善良的人之一,” wrote David Weinfeld, M.D.20岁. “He was inquisitive, such a good listener, and fun to be around. I was inspired by how much he loved medicine.”

“凡是那种当你和他在一起的时候,你会情不自禁地微笑的人,因为和他在一起是一种快乐,Kojo Asantey写道, M.D.20岁. “He had such a passion for medicine and for helping others, but he also just had such a great passion for life.”

Kanaan also said Faridmoayer was “selfless,” and “an agent for all that is good and kind in this world.”

托马斯说,由于他对他人的影响如此之大,她和其他人试图巩固他在牛津大学商学院的遗产. 的 Erfan Faridmoayer Memorial Fund 已经建立.

约旦纳什, 发展副, OUWB, said the school fully supports an endowment in Faridmoayer’s name.


Nash said OUWB is “grateful for the outpouring of support from the community,” and is hopeful additional donors for the fund will come forward.

“这时, 奖学金基金正在建立过程中,我们正在积极努力实现我们的筹款目标,他说.

关于谁可能获得该基金支持的细节仍在敲定中, 但托马斯说,很可能是那些对社区有同情心、坚持法里德莫耶这样品质的人.


她说:“在OUWB,说这一切都是为了社区,并不是老生常谈。. “教师, 同学们, 和我们聊过的其他人听到这个消息都很心烦意乱,都很愿意帮忙. 这是OUWB与其他医学院不同的地方……学生不仅仅是一个数字.”

“People knew and loved Erfan,” she added.

Contact 约旦纳什 at (电子邮件保护) for more information about supporting the Erfan Faridmoayer Memorial Fund.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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