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OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

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OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)

218 Data Entry Standards for Ellucian Banner Users


RATIONALE: 本文件的目的是传达365英国上市官网(大学)关于数据标准的政策及其员工对与Banner相关的数据标准的责任 OU AP&P #860 Information Security and the University’s Privacy Statement posted at hljnwr.markandlynsey.com/policies-regulations/web-privacy. 理大于1997年采用的“埃卢西亚旗(旗)企业资源规划信息系统”,要求各行政管理职能相互依存,并要求所有输入和使用数据和信息的人都必须严格遵守数据输入标准. View the standards detail contents.

Service levels, data and information security, and legal liability are all extremely important issues that are the concern of this policy. The entry and use of student and Employee Tax Identification Numbers or Social Security Numbers, and the names and addresses stored in person records, are some of the key concerns of this policy.

POLICY: 所有使用和/或监督elucian Banner系统用户的员工都有责任保护输入Banner的数据和信息的完整性.  The procedures below define the roles and responsibilities for the Banner Shared Data Committee, supervisors, managers and individuals for the integrity of data shared among Banner modules, as well as training, standards, and data controls to ensure the highest quality of data.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This policy applies to all University personnel with modify access to Banner data and their supervisors.


Banner Operating Committee: The Banner Operating Committee membership consists of managers, directors and other decision-makers with direct responsibilities for the operation of the Banner system.

Banner Shared Data Committee: The Banner Shared Data Committee membership consists of managers, directors, supervisors and other decision-makers with responsibilities for data entry and maintenance of Shared Data elements.

Shared Data: Shared Data are Banner data elements that may be entered and maintained in multiple locations, Departments and Divisions. Such elements include General Person data, Vendor data, Organizations data, Corporations data and other such elements. Examples of shared data include names, identification numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, etc. Shared Data may also exist in the form of files and documents within the Banner Document Management module.


Supervisors and Managers

1.  主管和经理有责任确保所有负责将数据和信息输入Banner系统的员工接受适当的培训来完成这项工作. Banner共享数据委员会强烈建议所有员工每年复习培训材料并参加Banner数据输入标准考试. Training includes, but is not limited to, Banner navigation training, training on the specific Banner module that the Employee will be using, and a thorough review of this policy. If some formal training event is not available on these subjects, 则主管或经理必须通过其他方式对员工进行培训,然后员工才能开始在Banner系统中输入数据或信息. 要求所有工作职责包括维护数据输入标准中定义的共享数据的员工, review the manual and take the Banner Data Entry Standards exam annually. Failure to complete the training may result in revocation of access to applicable Banner access.  

2.  主管和管理人员有责任确保整个部门的所有负责人员不断遵守这一政策和标准. 被告知违反这些标准的主管和经理必须迅速作出反应,纠正任何此类问题. The supervisor or manager is responsible for the controls and processes used by their Employees to enter data into the system; the accuracy of the data entered; and adherence to this policy and the data entry standards.

3.  The Banner Shared Data Committee, working with Human Resources, develops training and testing materials and documentation, along with data standards for entry into Banner. 委员会将酌情促进使用任何和所有Banner进程,以尽可能实现共享数据要素的最高数据完整性. The Banner Shared Data Committee will work to resolve issues under a specific committee charge. When a supervisor or manager does not take corrective action in a timely manner, 该问题应由横幅共享数据委员会向横幅运营委员会提出,并在横幅运营委员会中进行讨论,以便主要负责大学数据和信息的社区人员能够充分了解该问题. 横幅运营委员会将决定纠正措施的过程,负责的部门主管或经理应遵循横幅运营委员会制定的计划.

4.  If a problem continues and is not resolved by the Department, the Banner Operating Committee, along with a representative from Human Resources if needed, can discuss the issue again. 他们建议的纠正措施计划和问题的历史记录将被发送给负责的部门副总裁,并要求实施该计划.

5.  As a final step, 横幅运营委员会可以向大学校长发送报告和要求,要求采取纠正措施,并描述以前的行动和要求.


1.  Individual Banner users are responsible for the proper care, quality and accuracy of data and information they enter into the Banner system. 他们必须学习和充分理解这些标准,他们必须作为大学信息和数据录入社区负责任的成员.

2.  When an Employee is made aware of a problem, 员工必须立即采取纠正措施以消除问题并纠正由其行为造成的不准确. 

3.  If a problem is detected and identified with an Employee’s work, the individual noting the problem should report the problem to their own supervisor, who should then discuss the problem with the originating Employee’s supervisor or manager.

4.  适当的主管或经理应与员工讨论问题,并确定纠正问题和受影响的数据和信息的必要步骤, recording the discussion and expected action.  A deadline for this action is to be given.

5.  If the Employee does not correct the problem in a timely and urgent manner, the supervisor should consult with Human Resources prior to any disciplinary action being taken. 有关纪律处分程序的适当步骤,请参阅各自的集体谈判协议或《365英国上市官网》.

Basic Standards of Work

1.  所有数据输入应包括跟踪检查,以确保输入的数据是正确的,符合这些标准.

2.  名称搜索以避免重复记录对于任何新名称进入Banner系统都是绝对必要的.

3.  数据上传到Banner系统和批量Banner过程运行必须伴随着适当的检查或编辑,以确保准确性和符合这些标准.  在生产环境中使用之前,应该彻底测试数据加载精度和批处理精度的验证. Data verification should be done after a production run.  负责上传的区域主管或经理负责验证数据加载和批处理的准确性,并审核结果.

4.  When financial data are entered into Banner, an appropriate control total check should be made to assure the accuracy of the entered financial data.

5.  数据输入程序和流程必须在每次Banner发布后由操作主管或经理进行验证. Training may be required for all staff members to prepare for a new Banner release. Before a Banner user is granted modify access to one of the *IDEN forms, they will be required to take and pass the Banner Data Entry Standards exam.  Banner共享数据委员会强烈建议所有员工每年复习培训材料并参加Banner数据输入标准考试.

6.  必须认识到,大学内的许多其他人使用输入Banner的数据,每个员工必须是该社区的建设性成员. Coordination and communication within this group is essential to assure that work is accurate and timely, and does not have to be re-entered, modified or technically corrected.  Careful data entry usually saves a great deal of time and reduces the need for corrective action.

View the standards detail contents.


OU AP&P #860 Information Security


Charge of the Banner Shared Data Committee

Banner Data Entry Standards Manual