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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

648 Vehicles On Campus Sidewalks And Lawns


理由是: In order to enhance safety of pedestrians and to avoid unnecessary damage to campus sidewalks and grounds, the following policy is hereby established.

政策: The practice of driving vehicles on 365英国上市官网 (University) sidewalks or lawns is generally prohibited unless prior authorization is obtained or the practice meets one of the exceptions as stated in this policy. This prohibition is regulated by University ordinance as well as the Michigan Motor Vehicle Code.

适用范围及适用性: This policy applies to all students, 教师, staff and visitors operating motor vehicles on the University campus.



一般, approval of sidewalk or lawn access involving motor vehicles must be secured from the 365英国上市官网 Police Department (“OUPD”) and will be granted only to persons utilizing a vehicle on official University business or service. To obtain approval, operators should contact the OUPD (ext. 3331). Approved vehicles must not be operated in excess of 5 m.p.h.

Approval will generally be given for the following:

  1. The hauling of 重 construction site equipment or materials

  2. Construction vehicles (earth moving, concrete/asphalt paving, re-roofing, etc.)

  3. Furniture/equipment moving for special events to buildings without loading docks, 服务入口, 货梯

  4. Transport of hazardous or fragile materials (large panes of window glass, etc.)

  5. Self-contained vehicles (carpet cleaning, etc.)在道路无法到达的地方

Vehicles which have not received approval to drive on sidewalks/lawns, or meet one of the exceptions stated in this Policy, are subject to ticketing and towing by the OUPD. Employees violating this Policy may also be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Approval to operate vehicles on campus sidewalks and lawns will generally NOT be given for the following:

  1. Contractor vehicles (both company and personal) not directly involved in hauling 设备, materials, and/or actual construction site work.

  2. Furniture/equipment moving to building with loading dock and/or 服务入口.

  3. Deliveries to buildings with loading docks and/or 服务入口.

  4. Ready access to vehicle for either work force or contractor convenience.

一般, 紧急车辆(警察), 火, 医学), 设施管理, and Mail Services vehicles may be operated on campus sidewalks and lawns without special approval. However, such vehicles will be operated in a safe and orderly manner.

The Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") requires that sidewalks be accessible, which means there must be a minimum clear width to get around any obstruction.  Vehicle operators are reminded that parking vehicles on sidewalks and pathways may disrupt critical routes for members of the OU community with mobility and vision challenges.  Vehicles must park in such a manner as to provide a minimum clear width to allow OU community members to utilize all sidewalks and pathways.  Vehicle operators are expected to remove their vehicles from critical pathways within a reasonable time frame after their work is completed. 

The Associate Vice-President for 设施管理 and the Chief of Police may establish internal procedures (in addition to those outlined in this Policy) governing the off road operation of vehicles belonging to their respective departments.


OU美联社&P # 610 Driving Practices and Standards 

OU美联社&P # 640 University Ordinances 

OU美联社&P # 642 Police Department – Parking Regulations and Road Closure Procedures
