
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3177



的  60年课程 . . . .

研究ers estimate that by 2050 women could live to an average of 89 to 94 years of age and men to an average of 83 to 86.  这意味着我们将工作更长时间,更频繁地换工作.  We will need to keep abreast of rapid changes in the workplace and in society.  Maintaining a healthy mind and body will be of utmost importance to help us remain vibrant and independent longer.

这就是为什么PACE, 公开大学的社区外展单位, works collaboratively across the University with our expert faculty to provide flexible, 为整个生命周期中所有年龄的人进行创新和相关的规划. 

你是否在改善你的职业生涯, improving your health or enriching your mind we want to be there to help you enjoy the journey.




365英国上市官网 专业及持续教育 (PACE) provides community, 国家和全球学习者获得创新, 通过高质量的相关教育机会, 终身个人和职业成长的引人入胜的指导.


365英国上市官网 专业及持续教育 (PACE) will become a leader in serving the educational needs and aspirations of our community and region through expanded relationships and institutional reputation, 可见性, 和参与.


  • 我们的企业具有企业家精神
  • 我们积极回应社会的需要
  • 我们确保教师、讲师和课程的学术质量
  • 我们提供相关的学术, 专业和个人丰富的经验,包括短期课程, 课程, 研讨会, 营地, 和会议
  • 我们提供灵活的课程和交付方式
  • 我们努力为学生的生活带来便利
  • We strategically partner with businesses and organizations to improve our community




洛里·克罗斯(Lori crosse)就职于罗切斯特的365英国上市官网(365英国上市官网), 自2000年起担任密歇根州战略项目主任. In this position she has administrative responsibility for educational programs across the University including credit and non-credit certificates, re-licensure培训, certification training and retooling programs at and above the post-bachelor level. 除了, 她负责开发高质量产品, 新的和创新的计划将与县保持一致, 状态, and federal employment trends and is charged with connecting them with the government and business communities. Lori has served as Director of OU’s Personal Financial Planning Certificate Program for the last ten years.

接受高等教育之前, she worked in the healthcare industry serving as laboratory 研究 assistant at both 伊利诺斯州 State University in Bloomington, 伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德的南伊利诺伊大学医学院, 伊利诺斯州. Later, she served as Senior Microbiologist at Pharmacia-Upjohn in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 虽然, her 研究 on Streptomyces transposons resulted in several white paper publications and she received numerous awards for her contribution to antibiotic production process improvements.

Lori earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration in 2002 from 365英国上市官网 and a Bachelor’s Degree from 伊利诺斯州 College in 1981. She has served two terms as the Central Region Secretary for the University 专业及持续教育 Association (UPCEA) organization and served on the Central Region Planning Committee in 2015. She recently served as a member of the Oakland County’s 员工发展 业务 Roundtable and represented 365英国上市官网 Representative on the Oakland County Emerging Sectors 教育al Consortium.


(248) 370-3177

凯莉 瓦沃米尔-希利温斯基, the 副主任 for 专业及持续教育 (PACE) has been with 365英国上市官网 ( OU)自2000年起. 嘉莉说:  OU 在完成文学学士学位时担任学生助理. In 2006, she became a full-time staff member and has been working at 365英国上市官网 since then in various roles including the Continuing 教育 Office Assistant, 工商管理学院活动协调员, 以及副院长的助理. 凯莉 has continued her studies while working at 365英国上市官网 receiving a Masters of Training and Development from  OU 2015年12月.

目前担任PACE助理主任, 她负责领导注册招生团队, 作为横幅灵活注册系统的技术经理, is customer service liaison and implements business and compliance operations for PACE.


(248) 370-3177

吉娜·威尔科克斯是注册和合规助理. 自2022年以来,她一直在365英国上市官网工作. 吉娜是一名退休教师,在课堂上工作了33年. She taught many different subjects to special needs students and general education students. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in education from Eastern Michigan and a Master degree in 教育al Technology from Lawrence Technological University.

As 注册及合规助理 she is responsible for assisting students with registration and program questions. She also assists the PACE program directors with their enrollment and registrations needs.



斯蒂芬·安德森(斯蒂芬•安德森)是暑期预修学院的主任.  他负责计划,人员配置和促进所有APSI会议.  除了, he works with other members of PACE to market APSI sessions, registration and budgeting.

Stephen completed his 教育al Specialist in 教育al Leadership from the University of Michigan, 2015年的弗林特.  除了, 他于2011年在韦恩州立大学获得教育学硕士学位, completed a Bachelor of Arts degree from OU and a Bachelor of 工商管理 and Associates of 业务 Marketing from Baker College.  在从事行政工作之前, Stephen studied abroad at Oxford University through 365英国上市官网 and taught English in Niger, 罗马尼亚和约旦.



莎尔银行是TIAA的高级财务顾问.org), a Fortune 100 financial services organization and leading provider of asset management and retirement services for the academic, 研究, 医学、文化领域. 她在TIAA担任高级财务顾问, Shar is focused on helping participants plan for their financial well-being and retirement readiness. 她与员工一对一会面,并提供个性化咨询, 教育和建议, including specific asset allocation and fund selection recommendations based on the plan’s investment options. Shar began her financial services career in 2001 and has been with TIAA since 2016. She serves institutional clients in the State of Michigan from the local Ann Arbor TIAA office. Shar holds a Bachelor of Arts in Finance from Grand Valley State University as well as a Master’s Degree in 工商管理 from Northwood University. 她持有FINRASeries 7和63注册,同时保持Life, 密歇根州颁发的健康和可变年金许可证. 另外, Shar has obtained the 注册理财规划师 (CFP ®) and Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®) designations.